Can You Teach Your German Shepherd to Dance

I’m not sure what this lovely German Shepherd is doing but she got the moves!
Thanks to James Sherman for sharing this photo of Stella…

Can You Teach Your German Shepherd to Dance
Stella showing off her cool moves

Teaching Your Dog to Dance

Do you love to dance and would like your GSD to dance with you? Well, if you feel like your dog have the moves too and you have the required amount of patience to teach him, then this would be a perfect activity for the both of you.

First start y showing your dog his favorite treat and lure him onto her hind legs. While your buddy is on his back legs, give the treat and praise him. Do this one time after another. Just praise him the entire time he’s standing. Then gradually build the amount of time that he spends on his back legs. Consider that strength and balance would take some time to develop.

You can then start introducing the verbal cue “dance” as you lure him into this position. When your pooch can stay on his hind legs without difficulty, use his favorite treat to make him turn while he’s up. He may just make it a quarter turn but he’ll eventually get there as his muscles develop.

Dog dancing is great way to bond with your dog. Just be patient and he’ll eventually learn it.