Enjoying the Summer With Your German Shepherd

It’s a great day for a swim! It’s great to see this lovely German Shepherd have so much fun in the sun.
Thanks to Steve Wasserman for sharing!

Enjoying the Summer With Your German Shepherd
a very happy GSD enjoying the summer time

Tips to Enjoying the Outdoors With Your Dog During Summer

Here are some reminders that can help you make the most out of summer fun with your dog.

Prevent dehydration and overheating. Make sure you regularly offer your dog plenty of fresh water. Remember, dogs who don’t have access to fresh water are likely to drink whatever they can find. It is not safe for you pal to drink water from puddles on the street or from ponds and other bodies of water,ch may be contaminated with bacteria or toxic chemicals.

Prevent sunburn. It’s not wrong to allow your pal to have fun under the sun, but be wary of the duration. When outside, it is best to let him stay most of the time in shaded areas. Also, you can apply sunscreen to your pet as he too can get sunburned or develop skin cancer. Protect your pal’s skin by using a sunscreen specifically formulated for his face.

Protect him from flea, tick, and mosquito bites. Flea and tick bites can cause serious illnesses to you beloved buddy. Flea bites can lead to anemia, mosquito bites can cause heartworm disease, while tick bites can bring diseases like Lyme, Ehrlichia, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Prevention is always better than cure so use a monthly preventive medication for fleas and ticks. Ask your veterinarian about which preventive medications are right for your pet.