Female German Shepherds vs. Male GSD

Owning one beautiful German Shepherd is great, but having two lovely female GSDs is even more awesome!
Thanks to Shelley McAdam for sharing!

Female German Shepherds vs. Male GSD
two equally gorgeous female GSDs

Difference Between GSD Males and Females

German shepherds regardless of sex, are very loyal, smart, and they make great family pets. However, there are some difference between female and male GSDs.

As with humans, male Shepherds are usually stronger, bigger in structure, and more masculine. They may appear looking a bit more intimidating than their female counterpart. In terms of weight, mature male Shepherds can easily outweigh females by as much as 30 pounds — and that’s a lot of structure. While male dogs may be a little harder to handle, it still boils down to proper training in order for any dog to a be a great addition to your family.

Another difference between male and female GSDs is that male dogs can be more protective and more territorial than females. They usually do what all male dogs do, which is mark their territory. Female Shepherds can be more protective of their families. They are likely to become jealous of other pets in the household. But again with proper training, this issue can be prevented.