German Shepherd Health Guide: Understanding Castration

This handsome and brave German Shepherd is looking great even after being newly castrated (or maybe, he has yet to understand what just happened).
Thanks to Bex Moir for sharing…

German Shepherd Health Guide: Understanding Castration
Apollo looking very happy still after his castration

Benefits of Castration/Neutering

Aside from population control, castration (removing the testicles from) your male GSD offers a lot of advantages. Basically, it can be divided into two categories: behavioral or medical benefits.

With regard to behavioral advantages of neutering, the three of the most common are decreased aggression, decreased roaming and increased concentration.

The androgen hormones in your dog are responsible for the development of majority of his his behavioral patterns. When puppies mount their litter mates it means there’s a surge of androgen in their bodies, just like in aggression. So castration has a the ability to suppress aggression in male dogs.

Also, you you castrate your buddy at an early age, he will not be tempted to roam around as he’ll not sense or respond to females in heat. Your pooch will be less stressed and would tend to just stay home.

If your dog is neutered, he will also be a better student as he will not be easily distracted when there are females in heat nearby.

And those are only the behavioral benefits. Here are the most important medical advantages of castration.

  • No Testicular Tumors.: These would not be an issue for pets castrated at the recommended age, which 5-6 months of age or even younger.
  • Improved Genetics. Dogs having harmful genetic trait like hip dysplasia or epilepsy must be neutered.
  • Fewer Hernias
  • Fewer Perianal Tumors. because this tumor’s growth is stimulated by testosterone.
  • Fewer Prostate Problems

Remember, as with all operations there are advantages and disadvantages. Consider everything carefully before deciding. Your vet is probably the best person to ask an advise about your beloved dog.