What Your German Shepherd Really Wants

This handsome German Shepherd is projecting his happy face. He might be getting all the love in the world!
Thanks to David H. Hill for sharing!

What Your German Shepherd Really Wants
Sirus projecting a happy face

Ways to Make Your Dog Happy for Life

Ensure Good Health. Of course you have to make sure your buddy is in top physical condition at all times. Start by feeding you dog the best quality food. Feed him the right amounts according to his age and energy levels. Also, make sure to have a regular trip to the vet to keep tabs on your pal’s overall health. Don’t forget about his annual vaccinations too. Importantly, provide your pet enough exercise as sedentary dogs are more prone to diseases such as gain obesity, joint problems and diabetes.

Right Kind of Socialization. Dogs like us need to interact in order to learn basic social mores. Canines who are properly socialized behave way better than those who don’t mingle enough with other animals and people. Make an effort to get your dog out on a regular basis. A daily walk or weekly visit to the dog park can go a long way. Remember to only allow your pal to interact with healthy and well-behaved dogs. In time he’ll learn how to act calmly and confidently even around strangers.

Earned Praise. As much as possible praise your dog whenever he does something good. As a result, he will logically repeat the behavior. Randomly giving praises and treats to your dog won’t reinforce positive behavior. Instead it may end up like you being trained by your dog to give him treats whenever he wants.

Observe Calmness and Consistency. Your buddy can sense if you’re on an emotional roller coaster, and he doesn’t enjoy that. Strong and unstable emotions can confuse and worry him. He should see you as a master of calmness, consistency and safety.