Introducing Your German Shepherd to Water

Shayna, a beautiful and energetic German Shepherd having so much fun swimming at the beach. Do you take your GSD to the beach for a nice swim too?
Thanks to Lisa Zager Daniel for sharing…

Introducing Your German Shepherd to Water
Shayna spending a great day at the beach

Teaching Your Dog to Swim

One of the best things you can teach your furry buddy is being comfortable in the water. Plus, isn’t it wonderful to have him as your swimming buddy during summer? But before you teach your dog how to swim you should give him a few basic lessons first, especially if he has never been in the water before.

Introduce your dog in a shallow area first. Be sure to put on his leash. Then walk slowly into the water, and let him get used to having wet feet. You can use training treats to lure him farther. Don’t get frustrated if he’s reluctant at first. Be patient and use a positive tone of voice.

Once he is comfortable in the shallow waters, gradually take him into the deeper area until he starts paddling to stay afloat. You can put your arm under your pal’s belly for extra support if it seems he needs one.

Make sure that your buddy doesn’t only use his front legs to swim. He’ll likely to get tired more quickly and splash around. Support him as he learn to use all four limbs to swim. If at any point your dog seems to panic, bring him back into the shallow water and calm him down before trying again.