I Love German Shepherds

Be Your Best in Agility: Tip #8 Have a pre-run routine

Agility Trial Success Tip #8: Having a pre-run routine that you and your dog do before every run that contributes to the confidence the two of you have when you step to the line. Confidence and purpose achieve goals. “Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you […]Read more here: http://susangarrettdogagility.com/2016/09/be-your-best-in-agility-tip-8-have-a-pre-run-routine/

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Be Your Best in Agility: Tip #9 Take time out

Agility Trial Success Tip #9: Step out of the trial environment for a mental break throughout the day. Research shows how mental breaks in athletics increases and replenishes attention span, encourages focus and stronger solid outcomes. We all love to watch and support our friends but be sure to give yourself time away from the […]Read more here: http://susangarrettdogagility.com/2016/09/be-your-best-in-agility-tip-9-take-time-out/

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