Loyal German Shepherd Helps Family With The Chores: SUPERPOWER DOGS

LINDA RILEY: Baron’s superpower is his amazing loyalty and how helpful he is around the house.

COMM: Baron is a two-year-old German Shepherd, who’s lived with dog trainer Linda and her four-year-old son Alexander since he was just 12 weeks old.

LINDA RILEY: I first started training Baron the day we got him. Baron is very smart, he catches on very quickly. German Shepherds overall are very eager to please and they want to learn.

COMM: But super smart Baron has been learning some rather unusual skills.

LINDA RILEY: He can help load the dishwasher, help wipe the windows, he likes dusting, he can sweep the floor and he can mop, he can unload and load the drier and washer, he can put the toilet seat down behind Alexander when he forgets.

LINDA RILEY: He can do the light switches on and off. So I don’t push him too hard, we kind of just have a good time with everything that we do.

LINDA RILEY: Alexander and Baron have a very special relationship. They are joined at the hip.

LINDA RILEY: Alexander will have Baron clean up his toys or he will take him up to his room and have Baron pick-up Alexander’s toys and clean his room. The more Alexander can get Baron to do stuff, the stronger their bond grows.

COMM: Baron isn’t just eager to help out with the household chores. He is truly part of the family.

LINDA RILEY: Baron is like an over protective dad. When we’re out in public, and it’s the three of us, Baron will be on outside of Alexander, pushing Alexander into me. When people come up to talk to us or greet us, he will cut them off and he stands in front of the people, kind of giving that barrier.

Anytime we’re out, his eyes are constantly on Alexander. He does not look away. He is all that matters. If Alexander falls down, he cries. He is the first one there. Even after long days, he is still wagging his tail, drooling all over me, bringing the ball for me to throw.

He is just always making me laugh. He is very loyal. I have no doubt that that dog would give his life for us, if he had to.

ALEXANDER: I love Baron. He is my best friend.

COMM: Superpower Dogs – a giant screen 3D movie – will feature more amazing dogs like Baron. Find out how you can help make the movie possible by joining the Superpower Dogs online community today.

First seen on Youtube at Loyal German Shepherd Helps Family With The Chores: SUPERPOWER DOGS