Yawning German Shepherd

This German Shepherd is caught yawning while traveling on a bus. Do you think he’s getting bored?
Thanks to Sam Hester for sharing!

Yawning German Shepherd
GSD yawning while traveling on a bus

Why Dogs Yawn

Apparently, the most obvious reason could be that they yawn when tired. Although there’s no established reason why, it is common for a dog who has had a long day or just roll out if bed to yawn.

However, there might be a different scenario wherein being tired is not the reason for yawning. Dogs also tend to yawn when they are stressed. Usually, yawning due to stress is accompanied by other signs, such as lowered ears, squinting eyes, and tense muscles. Dogs might also yawn around an unfamiliar or assertive individual.

The best way to translate the real meaning of your yawning dog is to look at the situation. If he yawns and goes straight to his bed or just woke up, he’s probably just tired or sleepy. If he’s training or playing with you and he yawns, he probably needs a little break.